What kind of materials do experienced and qualified teams of international and local luxury architects based in sydney use for their projects?

Creative and innovative architectural competitions for architects and enthusiasts around the world. Established in 2001 by director Andrew Burges, Andrew Burges Architects is a small team of architects and designers.

What kind of materials do experienced and qualified teams of international and local luxury architects based in sydney use for their projects?

Creative and innovative architectural competitions for architects and enthusiasts around the world. Established in 2001 by director Andrew Burges, Andrew Burges Architects is a small team of architects and designers. Founded in 1889 in Sydney as Peddle Thorp & Walker, PTW Architects has offices in Sydney and Asia, including Shanghai and Ho Chi Minh City. Recently, these architects transformed an iconic Sydney building into a workplace for an Australian fashion brand, and even restored a glass ceiling that now crowns a spectacular central atrium.

Michael Morton
Michael Morton

Friendly coffee fan. Typical travel advocate. Total tv practitioner. Friendly zombie expert. Extreme bacon nerd. Extreme web lover.

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